Monday, January 10, 2011

Movie Monday: The Sound of Music

Salzburg, Austria

We love family movie nights!  And before a big trip we enjoy watching movies featuring scenes from places we’ll go.  The classic example is, of course, The Sound of Music.  If you’re headed to Salzburg, Austria, you’ll want to watch it more than once, but even if your destination is somewhere else in the Alps, watch The Sound of Music before you go so that your whole family can simultaneously belt out, “The Hills Are Alive ” and spin like Julie Andrews at the first sign of those majestic mountains.

Mirabell Palace gardens
The Sound of Music is the only movie I can think of that has actually spawned an industry in Europe.  There are several tour companies offering The Sound of Music excursions in Salzburg.  Half-day tours will hit the highlights, such as the Nonnberg Abbey, St. Peter Cemetery, the massive Roman rock arena where the music festival took place, and the Mirabell Palace gardens where Maria and the children danced to “Do-Re-Mi.”  Full day 8-hour tours include the city highlights, but add the The Sound of Music gazebo at Hellbrunn Castle, the Leopoldskron Castle which was the von Trapp family home in the film, and the Mondsee Cathedral where the movie’s famous wedding scenes were filmed.

Mirabell Palace gardens
We didn't partake in any of the formal excursions when we were in Salzburg a few years ago, but we did our own Sound of Music walking tour.  You can reach all the city sites in a day.  The kids, then 11 and 8, adored it.  The highlight for them definitely was running through the arched trellis in the Mirabell Palace gardens just like the von Trapp children did in the movie.  For me, strolling through the narrow alleyways of old Salzburg, admiring the views from atop Fortress Hohensalzburg, and snacking on Mozartkugel . . . these are a few of my favorite things!


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  3. Hello! Thank you for stopping by

    Wow, your children and yourself are so lucky to travel the world - they will surely have amazing memories to look back on.

    Good luck with your preparations to bring your girlscouts overseas, I wish I had those opportunities when I was a Brownie :)

  4. We went to Salzburg on our way to Vienna simply for my love for Sound of Music!! We loved walking up and down those streets and I was so disappointed to learn that the gazebo (not even in its original spot) was locked up so I couldn't even go inside...oh well! We took a picture out front!

  5. Nice pictures, from a children author of Concord, Ca.

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