Friday, October 28, 2011

Photo Friday: Skin and Bones

Looking forward to Halloween with a little bit of creepiness:  my kids at the Bone House (Beinhaus) in Hallstatt, Austria, where the residents of this small town have hand-painted and then stacked and displayed the bones of their dead since the 12th century.

Take a look at for more Photo Friday photos.


  1. Love that! It looks a good deal like the Church of Bones in Rome. Very creepy!

  2. Definitely creepy! My 8 year old wouldn't have any part of visiting a place like that. I'm not sure she could even stand to look at the photo.

  3. I would love to see that, i think.... either that or i would freak out once i got there and inside... kinda creepy.

  4. Easily the creepiest photo I've looked at today. How are your kids smiling so well with all those bones behind them?

  5. I love the priceless look on your little boy! I was looking for skin care reviews and found your wonderful blog. Thanks for the entertaining post!

  6. That face of that boy was like " oh crap " creepy!

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  8. Definitely creepy! My 8 year old wouldn't have any part of visiting a place like that. I'm not sure she could even stand to look at the photo.
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