Friday, April 19, 2013

Photo Friday: Decorating With Plates

I wonder what my neighborhood homeowners' association would say if I decorated the exterior of my house with ceramic plates the way they so decoratively do in Spain?

This post is my Photo Friday link-up to


  1. Those are beautiful - I don't think that they would stand up so well in my climate though! ;)

  2. Love these, I can't imagine doing it to my house though! Maybe inside :)

  3. Aah, that makes me homesick for Spain!

  4. Not sure they'd look right on the outside, but I do have a couple I treasure (Italy & Spain) on the dining room wall! ;-) Great pix!

  5. I love those walls! It's such a unique way to decorate. I don't think my HOA would appreciate it either :) Or can you imagine this lasting in earthquake prone CA? But, I do have a collection of plates growing in my china cabinet.
