Monday, May 6, 2013

The Village of Rimpar in Germany

Okay, so we went to the village of Rimpar for a beerfest.  Sans kids.  That doesn't mean I can't recommend it as a family destination, does it?

Hubby and I in Rimpar, Germany.

It just means I'll have to import some photos from Google since most of mine are not particularly family-friendly:

German children would not, however, find this photo unusual.

Amongst all the festing, we did take the time to take a short look-around at Rimpar in the district of Würzburg.  The most notable sight is Grumbach Castle, built in 1347, with its small historical museum and lunch tables on the grounds perfect for an afternoon picnic.

Photo credit:  Reinhard Kirchner at

Rimpar also has several clean and modern children's playgrounds and might be the perfect rest stop for a family traveling the Autobahn 7 through Franconia.

Playground Scheuerberg in Rimpar.
Photo credit:


  1. Alcohol and a playground? Sounds like the perfect family destination to me.

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