Monday, October 25, 2010

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Art by my son  :)
Since most guidebooks don't mention this, let it be known that children under the age of 8 are not permitted to climb the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and children between 8 and 12 must be held by the hand. And for good reason. This is not a safe place, folks. The steep, narrow steps to the top of the bell tower are slippery and worn from millions of feet over the centuries. Although it is forbidden to enter the outer walkways around the tower - which, again, happens to be leaning - they are easily accessible. And once you’re at the top, the small, rusty railing that is supposed to keep you from a very long fall needs repair, not to mention a safety net. (Someone please bring this up to the Italians.) Also know that children between 8 and 18 shall be allowed only if accompanied by an adult. And finally, some good news: you do not need to haul your handbags and backpacks up to the top. There are free lockers in the cloakroom.


  1. Four trips to Europe and I've yet to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa! It will be top of my list next time...

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